Attendance Instructions

attendance is required for those attending for CLE Credit.


During each session you will be prompted to complete an electronic attendance form via a link in the chat. 

Alternatively, you can follow along with the links to the attendance forms below.

Please do not complete the attendance forms before you are prompted by the speaker, your submission will be time and date stamped.

NOTE: Allow up to 1 month for your CLE Credits to process and reflect on your transcript.

Questions or concerns? Email [email protected]

Links to CLE Attendance Forms

June 13th

Forensic Interviewing - Laying Foundation and Daubert related issues – Robert Anderson Ellis County 

Link to the attendance form:

KALAP – Chris Garcia, Sedgwick County

Link to the attendance form:

Jury Instructions – Natalie Chalmers, AG’s Office

Link to the attendance form:

Legislative Update – Todd Thompson, Leavenworth County

Link to the attendance form:

Sentencing Commission/ Introduction to the Kansas Electronic Journal Entry.” – John Grube

Link to the attendance form:

State v. Waterman and accompanying issues – Matt Maloney and Kristi Allen

Link to the attendance form:

June 14th

Ethics On social media – Will Hurst, Johnson County

Link to the attendance form:

Crossing Experts – Kevin O-Connor, Johnson County

Link to the attendance form:

Search Warrants: Our role, examples – Marc Bennett, Sedgwick County

Link to the attendance form:

Implicit Bias – Danielle Hall 

Link to the attendance form:

Digital Evidence – Robert Short 

Link to the attendance form: